Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, May 19, 2008

3 down + 1

I was walking the mall, reasons unimportant, and I was heading to the escalators to the patio. A young mother with three, I would guess triplets, trying to get them onto the steps. It was, perhaps, their first foray into moving stairs. Well, I saw, much to the young woman's challenge, while two were on the steps, one little girl was on the top, scared to walk on the moving steps. I walked up to see the mother walking up to be between the girls going down and the little one on top.

I tried to help, I took the little girl's hand and we moved onto the steps toward Mommy. She was unafraid when she saw we were making progress. I only wanted her to take a couple of steps, to make sure she didn't fall. At the end of the "ride", one girl crawled off the bottom ... oops.

The other girl at the bottom had fallen on her butt and her skirt was splayed out (dragged partially by the waves of steps. None were crying, but they seemed, at first, unsure. The mother thanked me and laughed at the situation. As I walked away the girls called out, "let's do it again".

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