Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, June 06, 2008

And to offend people!

Why do people laugh at Creationists. Look for the many part series on YouTube. If you are a staunch creationist you will be offended. I personally liked the approach of the producer pointing out that the creationists lack logic and ignore science.



MR said...

You liked the approach of stating the blatantly obvious? Creationists base their beliefs on FAITH. Thus the term faith-based organizations. Where in the bible does it say "and I can PROVE IT!" Hmm... what a shocker, religion ISN'T based on empirical

Marcus said...

Yeah! Offended someone. If you had the time and wanted to put forth the effort, “Why do people laugh at creationists?" parts 1-25 is fairly good. I will try to review them to get the parts about Intelligent Design.

Yes, it offends the basis of many religions, but to found an understanding of nature, life, the world -- logic (science) and science lead one to better understanding than faith -- especially if misguided by agenda-minded persons or complete wack-jobs.

MR said...

hardly offended. I just thought your statement of the blatantly obvious was retarded. I could grab the first creationist out of the crowd and say "this guy says you don't base your findings on good enough evidence" and he'll say "no shit! It wouldn't be a religion if I did."

What's your next point, that birds don't build their nests to code?