Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Video and my short commentary

Alien autopsy video. While I am a great skeptic, I found this to be interesting.

frame 5:53 shows two interesting things:
incomplete left arm
pelvic region covered during autopsy.

I would conclude from this that the doctor had performed the surgery before, as there was no other recording equipment anywhere and the speed at which the doctor performed. If I were to assume that it was "stolen" footage, it lacked a few things like sound, believability. If you had an alien species, wouldn't you take more time ripping it apart? The smaller but proportionally thicker rib cage was either so that you could see it, or so it was a structurally sound protection of this hominid.

You can see a third hand in the video, so there were three blue-gloved hands.

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