Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Angry words

So I had on for a few moments, MSNBC and there was some fool bantering on. Apparently the military found a cashe of material for weapons-making. The newscaster was stupid enough to point out that none of the material was marked as coming from Iran, Jordan, or Syria.

Really? No crap!

Sa'lam, Mo'teh'shaker'am for shopping at Iran. May I take your order, Lotfan?

OK. That's one half-tonne of radioactive material, one various ballistic missile parts blister pack, and a grand deluxe tea. That will be three free political pardons, twenty American pounds of Cocaine, and fourteen shares of OPEC.

Sa'lam, and come again!

Why would Iran label their stuff, "Iran the friend place to shop", on globally threatening weapons? Get really doofus!

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