Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

moley moley moley

A neighbor was fixing a dryer vent and asked for help. Apparently a mole crept in through this access and entered the home. While it deftly escaped his terror campaign of chasing it in the house, the cat, a day later, was clearly more skillful and left the assassinated mole on the floor.

There's it's dead, can I go now?

Anyway, I helped him with the venting and it is as good as it is going to be.

1 comment:

MR said...

I get birds in mine. This time of year they want to build a nest in there. Twice now I've heard them in there banging around, stuck in the tube and I had to pull out the dryer, pop off the end and prop open the door to the garage so it can see it's way out. The second time was kind of funny, the bird took a moment to land on the cross bar of my ironing board, which made the perfect perch. I was like: "hey, this isn't an atrium, get the hell out!" And he swooped away through the garage.