Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

You have new crap!

Well, no. It's old crap redone. I looked at cash last night... huh, $1500 short. I don't think so. I called the GM and surprise, surprise, surprise (Jim Neighbors as Gomer Pyle), somebody didn't enter in money. You'all accost me for errors when I get this? B---S---! Take that job and love, I ain't workin' there no more!

I have four days left and it is much like a man waiting parole ... "time, it take time..."+

I came in yesterday and a vital piece of equipment was ... not work, go figure! Later, the computer was as reliable as France as an ally in a war. I had to restart it. Pretty soon, the hillbilly state of affairs there will be clear. You have four computers and none of them work. How is this different than white trash and redneck?

+Scorpions, "Still Lovin' You"

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