Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


I am known to have bitched much about things, like money to the rich, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Well, I like the defined term, "working families" regarding the tax rebate checks proposed by GOP and Democrats.

So, if you don't pay tax, you don't get money -- get it? It takes money to make money, right?

1 comment:

MR said...

This is also an interesting political situation. Democrats have shunned "supply-side" economics, despite John Kennedy himself being of the faith. The idea of giving away the "government's" money during a recession or prior to in a prevention measure is completely at odds with the Dems tax and spend philosophy. But, no complaints. Why? Because if Geo. W. Bush goes to the podeum and says "I wanted to give you $600 big ones each, but the DEMS won't let me... it's all over, especially in an election year." So the Dems put their spin on it "well, it wasn't GENEROUS enough, so we're ADDING to it." And out it comes from our government like grass through a goose. Fastest transaction ever.