Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, October 19, 2007

shielded blunt

"You do good"+, stated with measured trepidation. Rather than hang on a balance and let feelings be known, bland was my response, yeah, and I like the color off-white. I oughta ...

grow some balls.

I guess that's a weakness, brazen timidity in the face of "a sure thing". What's to lose ... everything. While a tornado raged Thursday, a thunderous cloud of doubt and question loomed. WTF? A man is offered, a chance with someone with the ease of moving a pawn B2-B3 white play one. There's no loss, though dangerous it is, exposing bishop. So, the pawn has little choice? No.

To fan out the clouds and smoke ...
I find a person interesting, but worried I am. She's neat, frollicly, but there's a generational gap. On top of all of this, her playfulness is likely just that; playful. She's neat. I think, end of story, she's about as inquisitive as she shows. She might have greater potential, but ultimately her best match guy would be:

dumb, kindly muscleman with an improbably well-paying job. In this case, she could be the brains and direct the guy, but would grow tired of him because she would have to direct someone so dim-witted.

I'm empty, alone, and I will have to accept that is my life. I don't like it. One girl at work I look as a niece, trying to help her reach goals and to give old guy advice that couples will fight, grow, and get over it. She's with a guy at work and they're twitter-pated. It's a good-deal likely that they'll have a years-long relationship that ends. No experience is wasted if you learn. So I encourage both to continue. If people argue or fight, then grow from it.

A flake at work is trying to figure out what I am. Am I a drug dealer who uses the job as a cash laundry and assumed identity or an otherwise insidious fiend whose life is shadowy and swampy in smell and appearance. Were my evils so prevalent, I'd be jailed so and justly. No, I'm lower than the narrator of "Fight Club", earning nothing like an auto company bean-counter. I am, however, bland, boring, and uninteresting.

+ middle school weary statement from "Mulan" where Mulan is "complimented" by her love with strong concern over pride and protocol.

1 comment:

MR said...

exposing bishop?