Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

soon to be re-re-re-released (otherwise a sequel)

This is a sequel with the same lines. The returning product has less and, dollar for dollar, isn't nearly the bargain people claim, but people do like it. The [my employer] pot pie, for that's close to what it is, is due soon. It takes less more time on one end to make it. It is a money maker -- shake it.

Meanwhile, I was late to a meeting today as I read the wrong schedule. The sales reports were in and the company itself showed unhappy turnouts in profit, labor percentage, sales.

I would have offered the comment, 'if you aren't the cheapest, which we aren't, we need to be the novelest and more innovative.' I find the same-old, same-old probably doesn't sell well to people, but convincing the dinosaurs there that although 'we've always done it that way', doesn't make it the best way, is a challenge I haven't won.

There was a bit of a pit fight between two people today, but it went nowhere. As the young pup, having two old dogs fight it out and grow weaker, would naturally make me stronger by default. At the end, I was no stronger for the fight.

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