Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

working with young people

Late night -- little "real" business happening, but end of the night cleanup and teardown is going on, as typical. The young guys there, high schoolers acting like much younger teens are tagging each other and shooting sprays and water at each other. It's all in good fun and the teasing isn't serious. It's almost refreshing to see the boyish joy in playing at work. Hopefully, if I stay with the cigaretter-ladened conpany, I will be as lax with that as need be. I remember at another place, my command was, "Don't leave anything that I have to explain." If the work was done, well, timely ... I did not care if there was silly play involved.

One guy crashed through the ceiling. That ... I had to explain as something. Guys, don't make me have to explain it. That is my one, and only rule.

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