Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, March 16, 2007

business literature

The last few business books I've read were terrible. I'll put an analogy to them,

So, don't be like the ant that was crushed by the grape-eating, sky-diving elephant, just because you are a worker and that's what you do. While valiant as the elephant was, ultimately it died. Be more like the aardvark who entered the navy, while never becoming a pilot, later was an astronaut after working at NASA as a janitor, finding and eating the golden apple. Be the aardvark!

Okay, so why are we using animals? Better still, why not use a real-world annecdote to demonstrate, "success through trial and error and documentation", or "perseverance pays", or "know yourself, know your competition".

I was once thinking of getting an MBA to add to my resume' but these business books of animals racing around decrying, "who moved the cheese", etc. boring and stupid. I'll apply, conversely, the animals from "Animal Farm", with "I will work harder", by the horse worked to near death, then sold to a glue factory. "It was the work of Snowball and his henchmen", to cast blame on hidden forces rather than to take blame. Finally, "Some are more equal than others" as demonstrated by many companies, practices, and policies.

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