Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, February 23, 2007


Turn up my headphones!

I asked one person how they were doing and got basically, "Goony goowho". What? The second thing the person said was understandable English, not the first. That person works where I work. It was strange.

A couple of other people have a bugger of a time hearing with the ambient noise and dull, incessant hum of work, harsh white noise that dulls the ears. I have to stand nearly lips to ears to one person who has a tough time hearing. You'd never imagine how much noise is there. It isn't loud, per se, but constant. I'd say maybe a 15 dB or so constant level + or - 6 dB.

The other thing at work was to quickly make an order when you hear ... "askdfjo tah -- now!" Huh? I should have taken Klingon in college.

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