Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Super Bowl XLI

For Indiana XLI is for Superbowl eXtra Large one, in that Indy is there and Chicago is there. Hooray; hoorah; the gang's all here! Yesiree, dis here game, da Bears and the Colts will be legendary. Either Colts win be a respectable 2nd or pull out a win. I'm still thinking that da Bears will win. I posted early that I think the spread will be 12 points, but I believe that I should drop that a bit. With the possibility of injury recoveries, I'll drop the point spread to 9. Bears should win by 9 points, but not likely 12.

Indy will have its larger dome and might sometime host the superbowl. I just hope that the Colts have this new dome and putter out after this year. "Looks like we made it ... " sadly droning on in the background, Shania's voice echoing, not the intentionally love song, but rather Colts losing focus.

Politics aside, the fanfare of the first two African-American (Black) head coaches making it to the Superbowl, I believe that they will, will, get some real hefty raises, regardless the outcome. You got your team to the Superbowl? Here's x (current salary), whereas x is a number between 2 and 9 inclusively. Ah, I see you've solved x for 12, very good.

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