Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Last sampling of news today

One could dwell on any part of this, but more telling is the none-too secret depth to which extemists will carry out revenge against enemies. I would like to believe that their enemies are only the standing armies in the Arab regions, but that isn't so. If non-Iraqis were to pull out of Iraq+ now, then they would find "old" enemies to smite -- likely Israel. I don't ever see an end to their seeking Isreal's removal from the planet. The underscored theme here, "revenge" will really is questionable when they would be satisfied. How about saying a number, eh? Give a death toll for a ballpark. I think if more likely that the number would be "all non-Muslims"

+ I was not a supporter of the war, but pragmatically, there is no good, safe way to mass pull out of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

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