Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, April 21, 2006

picking candidates

like picking your nose is gross, limitedly productive and leaves you unclean. Moreover, like 47 other states, I must "declare" a party for the primary (buffoon selection 1) and elect under vice secretary to the assistance tax assessor treasurer of a county. Does the party matter then ... do they earn much ... no and no. I can't believe that they have much of a budget. I do, however expect deception from a candidate, whose supporters can finance a whole billboard on a main thorofare.

Another bad ad campaign (flyer) I read had a vision statement ... poorly done and bad idea.

How about a nice little questionaire for all persons on the ballot? Include on this pre-entry exam: understanding of job for which s/he is petitioning, specific listing of relevant experience, kinetic / dynamic / static perspective (change of satus quo and capability to do so, improvement of self and trickle down to all tangents, keeping the status quo).

I don't know more than I know on any of these people. I can thankfully say that I don't have any affiliates to which I owe favors when voting. I still feel disenfranchised, stripped of power and intentionally held ignorant, yet belittled if not exercising (not performing) voting in this runners up circle event known as primaries.

I feel equally poor at the official voting in fall.

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