Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Fucher Gie

"future guy", that wasn't what I originally read ... boy! That was really funny to think that a third grader wrote about me with that title.

The assignment: write about a person who has a talent. What's the talent and who is it? I mentioned that I can made some good predictions from seeing patterns, like relative time to change to green from red, from no given original time. I don't see the future or predict it, but rather predict outcomes based on patterns. This has not lent itself to poker or gambling.


MR said...

I hearby nominate this post as the single-most f**ked-up, incoherant piece of crazy bulls**t ever posted anywhere at any time.

Thank you.

Marcus said...

okay ... suffice to say:
the students asked me for a talent. I stated a talent of making fairly good predictions based on patterns. This isn't to say that I can see into the future. Unfortunately, innattentive listening lends itself to odd comprehension. This student wrote about me