Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Pay here

I met up with a company. They find people and place people, claiming not to be head-hunters. The fees are terrible! I will have to contact them to find out if they fees are "as they go" or all up front, or after you're placed. The "after you're placed" will work okay.

I thought not getting many interviews brought me low ... this made me feel really low.


Cerpicio said...

Woah, woah, woah! Any place that charges *you* to pay the fee sounds pretty shakey! Especially if they make you pay it up front (before they actually do anything). Be very careful & wary of companies like that.

MR said...

Most headhunters forward those fees on to the company who hires you, becaused they know THEY can afford to pay them. If you could afford it, you'd probably already HAVE a job, is probably the logic there. So a company calls them and says "we need a guy who can spell 'trajectory'" and they say "MDH will be there on Monday!" They charge the company $15 an hour for you, and pay you $9 an hour (or something like that so they make a profit), then if the company HIRES you, they pay the finders fee to the agency, which is where they get their real money.