Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Iran's magnanimous offer

Hey, Iraq, we'll take over if you want. Look, I see that you're having trouble with the guarding your border and all and I see that internal strife is taking a toll. Let us take over and all of that goes away. You want a happy, stable government and country and Syria and we are helping you out now. I know there are rumors that we were being counter productive to success, but really ... where's the proof? You don't want the US in there, nor do we.

Let's be independant together!

"Let us bring and end to this destructive conflict and bring order to the region! Together we can rule as father and son."+

Let's see, the US got Saddam and we didn't even get a t-shirt. Granted, we helped put in that pond scum and did pay for his protection while he was pounding on Iran, our bitter enemy, but I think the US should feel cheated. Iran is no friend to the US and it taking over Iraq and brothering up to Syria spells doom to the US and Israel. This we should not allow.

+ obviously adapted from Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back, Vader to Luke

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