Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

How could America cuts costs, I wonder

Millions in jails and on parole, including murderers, rapists, child molesters. Hmmm, how would the clever person solve this dillema? I suppose wiping them out ... all of them, would be too "common sense" of an idea. I don't want to pay for child molesters' existences nor for rapists. Jailed, no food -- simple. Prompt execution, simple. What is the difficulty in this concept? People pay enough taxes. Why not spend the money not on criminals, but on areas that matter?

You could put together a team to pull a number 6 on them.+

+ Blazing Saddles, "That's where we come in a-whoppin' and a-whoopin' ev'ra thing in sight."

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