Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I originally ranked X-Men III: Last Stand at 5.5, but there is no way, in good conscious that I could do so ... it would rank down there to 3.something. I didn't like X-Men 1 or 2 and 3 was worse. Special effects notwithstanding, you've got nothing else. I won't watch it again. I didn't see the other X-Men twice either.

I just don't like movies anymore. I used to like them, but I'm just so damned finicky and picky and peculiar anymore. I want something that entertains, but isn't so dimwitted and stupid -- thrown in with half-plots and poor acting ... "it all sounds like some bad movie"+.

+ Top Secret


MR said...

So let me get this straight, over time you've given up meat, television, now movies, and you've adopted photography, nature study and reading. I'll get you some Birkenstocks for Christmas for your pilgrimage to Berkley, but before you go, you'll need to trade in that Dell for a Mac. And I suggest trading in your current car for a Subaru.

MR said...

...oh, and a Hillary '08!bumpersticker.