Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Late, I know, Bill went ape on a FOX News question. While inexcusable, I can see the thought process ... "Prelude to 9/11" had Clinton painted in a bad way. Some of the would-be scenes were edited or omitted, but in the end, Clinton looked inept and not jumping on chances when he could have to stop terrorists and maybe bin Laden. He succeeded in pressuring the producers to edit it -- so he thinks he wins. A poor loser with a temper matched only with his ego (remember the Presidential scandals and his reactions) pulled a Jerry Springer guest with a simple question.

I think, already on the defensive from the movie and other disagreeing with him, the question smacked (in his mind) of "why didn't you do something about him". Overburdened with assaults to his ego -- Clinton lets go of repressed agression to a question unworthy of anger. I would say that democrats talking on the FOX News channel are met with as much contempt as their countparts on CNN. I would therefore note to future guests on either netwrok, that if you aren't with them -- 95%, you are then against them. Be prepared.

Any guest that I have seen try to talk, are instantly interrupted and other speak over them rudely, denying that they have a voice or opinion whatsoever. Suffice to say, that either you go there to take the abuse, hoping to make a half point or a point while being lambasted or you are a fool thinking that you'll get a fair run. Neither or no network allows a real discussion without interruptions.

Clinton ... you pulled a Clinton

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