Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, August 28, 2006

something about nothing, sleepless me

I'll ramble from here on out -- bare with me or ignore it all.
My age, as it is -- midlife, makes dating difficult.  There are many women my age and age area (within 7 years), but .... so many are married.  Couple this with no 30-40s some safe dating area where there aren't -- are you gonna marry me before we kiss, or I'm fine with you, as long as you don't mind the U-Haul of emotional baggage I carry (for both sexes and genders).
I saw a woman tonight that was cute ... nice, damnit -- married!  One piece of advice; if you don't want to have persons/people stare at your butt --- don't have a cute one, don't advertise it with underwear that show through your clothes.
I think that I'm a little wiser on the Jacob Marley entering the scene with clanking chains that are the ones forged in life, link by link, chain by chain, yard by yard ... and there is the "baggage".  I think that, although I have Spiderman-level of hangups, I'm not toting around so many chains.  It would be nice to find someone of the same calibur -- though a bit of my opposite.
I'm not interested in a Jessica Simpson (or her character) pretty and completely stupid -- that's a rose that needs lost of weeding and tending.  I also wouldn't want a woman so interested in thinking that intimacy (more than, but including physical) would be "wasteful".
I guess -- I'd like Leila (from Furturama) who myoptically pilots a delivery ship and who can compassionately kick my ass.

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