Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

screamers & streamers

10:30 was the right time to go through the streets anouncing swim-team victory this year.  What's special about that time?  I suppose that most people are awake and that others are at church.  It was, nontheless, startling to hear horns and cheers in this ten vehicle convoy including rented trolleys.  The city, where I live doesn't have real trolleys, but the appearance of them on truck frames -- rentable.
To their credit, they normally finish in the top 5, more reguarly in the top 3 and apparently the top team this year.  As a testiment to their being here, a lei or boa lies in the street, green, joyless, lifeless -- having been and touched.
I won't scream, but it's great that they won again.  They don't check for steroids, but I think that isn't a concern.  Way to go!  Also, thanks for not starting it at 7:00 this morning as I rested poorly last night.

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