Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

flight ban

Rather than banning chemicals, clothing, all many other things, why not ban terrorists? Since they don't wear uniforms, I'd have to say that continuing with procedures to screen people, checking baggage is certainly necessary, but I think that most Muslims should be disallowed to fly. Boy! Doesn't that sound racist? I would stand by my decision, but remarking, hey ... a group of 20 some persons were going to get on planes bound for Europe and the US and bomb them.

I am not writing that only Muslims do bombings, but ... there is a distinct relationship. I would just ban all Muslims from flying. If they don't like that, then stop killing people, stop trying to kill people, stop bombing. I HARDLY believe that these 20 some people in the most recent case were alone in their plot. There are people out there that either know what is going to happen, likely to happen or some peculiarities. They don't; they rejoice at the death of others, then wonder why Muslims aren't trusted.

There are really, a low percentage of Muslims comitting the (large bomb) crimes, but I think that would just about end if they weren't allowed to fly. That would then translate to disallowing them to be on boat, then perhaps any transportation. That sounds really wicked, really evil, but I'd say that it's time to take off the gloves here.

If France wants little trouble from the Muslim population and still make a stand against terrorism, then the government should fairly buy their property so they could relocate back to the Muslim world away from the evils of Western society.

I think very soon, Muslims will be Muslims greatest enemy and be coralled into ghettos as was done to the Jews and slowly genocided through six generations, ending the religion, which would later be called a long-standing cult, for the victors write the history.
Israel pulls out of Lebanon and Hezbollah grows stronger. Then, they attack again with more weapons, now having a Lebanese military barrier between it and the Israelis. They'll attack, then scurry back to hiding places or into Jordan or Syria.

The conditional cease fire should be: upon any civilian or military deaths or kidknapping, there will be no cecession of fire and attack until terrorist organizations are removed. If the protection of that organization goes up to the government of a particular nation, then that nation has knowingly embraced it. Therefore, in the minds of other nations, the US by this definition already has supported this.
Muslims in the Arab world are as likely to riot over something as Los Angles, CA is to riot and loot over the unrelated. The LA riots wound up killing 30-40 people outright, not to mention those that could not be directly attributed to the rioters and looters. Hey! There's an injustice, let's grab that large screen TV to show our displeasure, while we're at it let's take what money's in the till.

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