Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Friday, July 28, 2006


My grandfather, after whom I'm named was a car salesman. It would be just too ironic if that were my end job, smoking -- virtual chimney, drinking whiskey instead of water and dying of three types of cancer. Hmmm, I think I'll not favor the cancer, any of them and not really interested in selling cars. My father reminded me of the silliness that his wife, my grandmother naturally, didn't know how to drive until she was forty or fifty some years old. How unbearable is that?

From that set of patches, you don't get a quilt, but rather my father's patchwork mind of logic with missing pieces, and cleverness without much creativity. I was blessed with unambition, general stupidity and a soft heart which is growing tougher and stone-like every day.

I shall not be famous and am okay with that, but I'd rather achieve more than MDH I, though he never knew there would be a second, dying before I was born.

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