Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

marriage counselor

marriage counselor
Originally uploaded by MDH, II.
I was walking with Charlie, Keith, Echo, Cheyenne when I saw this on a lawn. Marriage counseling a block away, how convenient. More convenient than your local drugstore, settling the bitching arguments right after a good, long, hard-earned fight.
Example: Boy was I pissed! I was walking down the street grumbling to myself, making scars in the sidewalk while I carried "my life" in my suitcase when I saw the sign. That's it! I dropped the case and ran back to my woman and after getting some bruises from dragging her there, I found that I was the problem and that I should, uh ... after the thirteth **ck you, I kinda forgot it, but anyway, I was then able to go back and get more of my stuff while the counselor and my woman had a great conversation about what a rotten SOB I am. Gosh, thanks! I never would have gotten some of this back from her.

example 2: There we were, shouting in the street at each other -- no one to blame, then she saw the sign -- counseling. That's what we need, so we went in and imagine my surprise when we were bitching so long that we didn't see that she wasn't home, nor that she and the couple she was seeing jumped in the car and fled as if bomb-strapped terrorists had wandered onto her porch. We didn't pay a dime.

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