Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Leroy & Stitch, from Disney [synopsis courtesy of Netflix]:
After rounding up all 625 of Dr. Jumba Jookiba's genetically engineered experiments, Lilo, Stitch, Pleakley and Jumba are enjoying separate vacations in the far-flung corners of outer space. But when the evil Dr. Hamsterviel forces Jumba to create Stitch's evil twin -- a creature he dubs Leroy -- and uses it to clone a mesmerizing army of fake Stitches, it's up to Lilo to reunite the gang and save the day.
Excuse me, did you write; evil twin?  If memeory serves me right on the original, Stitch was genetically designed for madness, destruction, and evil applications.  How can you have an evil twin of evil?

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