Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, July 31, 2006

How to get a lifetime supply of address labels

almost passe now, except for a few instances ncessary with snail mail: find one or two great charities with which you agree. Donate as often as you wish and can. They will nicely send you mailers almost weekly asking for more money, including address labels. The labels don't sop there. Your name now goes on the "this person donates" list. You will now get requests from all types of organizations, some or many of which you may not directly agree. Most charities are honest, but a few need -- refocussing. To others, I outright refuse to donate.

PETA gets a bad rap from a few lunatics, but honestly, their attempts to make a better existence for cows marginally smarter than worms (only responding to stimuli) is perhaps -- too large an expenditure of meager funding. If persons were really interseted in the ethical treatment of all animals, they wouldn't squash or kill bugs and would open their doors to roaches. If they were to stop their passion at insects and micro-organisms, then why give a care about the slaughter of rare species. I'll end there.

It is important to research a group to find where funding goes. Many larger organizations print it in the packets, but .. who's to say that the data is recent and valid? Quickly checking takes less than an hour, which is better than stupidly giving money to say, two scammers claiming donations to cancer research. Their scheme, finally exposed bilked hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars to these guys. They did, indeed donate proceeds to charity, but at at 10 or so percent. The rest they kept.

I have more than I will ever use, as I tend to stay away from snail mail, but do send in checks to places. Once my finances are improved -- goodbye snail mail forever.

1 comment:

MR said...

I don't think you have to wait for your finances to improve. Online bill payment is now free at a lot of banks, you might want to check with your credit union.