Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

dumb; dumb dumb; dumb dumb; dumb dumb

like a burrow's whiny -- or dumb ass
It needed to be done, but it wasn't smart to cut large branches/limbs without a spooter and without assurance that they wouldn't fall wrong and snap wires. God was with me and no wires were harmed. It was also dumb to run through a stream with old leaky shoes. On my travels to and from Indy: when the speed limit is 70 drivers going 60 is dumb; speeding in a Ferarri on the highway -- dumb as they will get you and impound your car -- what fools! Also -- expecting my brother to change his nature -- dumb -- got burnt a bit this weekend, because I forgot and had stupid expectations.

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