Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

One gun to kill them all

well ... technically, a truckload of ammo and a gun and miraculous accuracy, luck, tactics, and determination, but if you hold your breath, I feel a man like you could do it!

I just looked at a criminal history (sex offenders) in the several zip codes making my city.

Shotguns, though leaving some chemical signature are relatively traceless, but only effective as close-quarter weapons with no potential for silencing. I did see the Extrme2 video, showcasing the very limited recoil autoshotgun, with 3/4 length barrel, 8-10 shot max load, farily lightweight (compared to other shotguns). At >$2,000, I'll wait on it, but lawyer season, courtesy of Dick v.p. has started. I like sex offender season should open soon too.

Frankly, putting them on a flotilla for navy shooting practice makes more sense and more quickly recycles the biomass, but that just won't happen.

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