Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Da Vinci code

why would you watch a video based on good fiction, bad logic.

I'll write a book on changing your perspective on rods, cones, and color structure as defined by centuries of manipulation of the perceived. What if there weren't just three primary colors, but rather five and that your whole understanding of color in all things was based on a simplistic view, much like a lie? Wow! That sounds great ... does it survive reality ...

[shake, shake, shake]
'my sources say no'

Sorry, even magic eight ball (10 sided die within blue gel, inside an 8-ball shape finds it to be smelly like septic.
If your attempt is to claim -- based on data, logical, inspired ... well, so is polytheism, to which I do not subscribe. It's as reasonable as souls bound to inanimate objects like stones, rocks, living trees, irises

"You have a greater chance of animating this scapel than repairing a nervous system"

-- Young Frankenstein

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