Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Gouging and business as usual

AOL buys Time Warner. How is that possible? It was by using accounting practices of 2001/2 being allowed to list some losses assets. It was also by the fine judgment that such companies weren't/aren't monopolies and limitations shouldn't be applied. Moreover, if you spoke with anyone who used the system, some paid up to $26 monthly. Now the same company is offering $10 monthly. Okay, so you were gouging a customer for months or years, now the rate is less than half of what it was. Hmmm .... how might that be possible?

Comcast, in Indiana, is now battling a competitor -- Verizon. They have "evils of communications companies" ads, stating that rates will go up. That's a funny statement from a company that raises rates annually like a raise to the company. Your monthly bill was $45, now $52, next $60, to cover costs, like ... our attempts to buy Disney and other companies.

Natural gas companies claiming that, there was an electrical storm in Beijing ... therefore, we have to raise rates of natural gas pumped from Kentucky. There is a rise in consuption, there must be a rise in price. There is a drop in consuption, there must be a price hike. There is no change in the gas or consumption, the company has chosen to raise the price.

We're a restaurant that' competing for your business. Our decor is ... flashy -- cool, though unchanged for 12-15 years ... Applebees. Our menu is neat ... slightly changed, though the prices rise twice a year, unlike many salaries.

Firing Banks ... NBD, BANK1, CHASE, J P Morgan ... what next? Patrons finally get checks, cards and info with the name [your bank here], when the new bank takes over, so then you wait. How about NFL (Not For Long)

You don't have enough in your account -- there's a surcharge for that. You don't use your account often enough --- there's a surcharge for that. You transfered money from account to account ... there's a surchage for that. The bank claims that it costs money to do that? Really. There's some person behind a desk typing all of that and not a computer doing it? What's that you say ... the bank has to make money? Like that bank doesn't make money on investments abroad on your money that you have there. Right.

Lies, lies, lies ... those who covet money are forever seeking ... much like a movie that I didn't think was worth the hype, Pirates of the Carribean. Two guys who parade around get women's attention. Keira Knightley is very cute, but was not in the most alluring in the show as she was allowed to be. She might show more shoulder in the next movie.

Also gouging, the movie industry ... pay lots for a so-so movie and furthermore be subjected to previews and advertisments well before the movie and then have those same ads inappropriate for the audience. How do ads for kids toys make sense in front of Saw 3 or adult-themed ads in front of Curious George? Do people understand their audiences or anything?

* in addtion to this, I would say that a Disney movie that they hope to be a new classic, should be non-pronographic.

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