Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

scrubbing bubbles

Tonight I found myself at the scene of an unwritten play -- staring Rescue Rangers in a pedestal sink with bubbles. They pitched each other into the water, then "bad guys", then went searching for tutrles and fish. Sadly, Orange Guy always had the misfortune of the torrent of conical rain dashed upon him when he tried to resurface. A reounding laughter of the contoller shook the basin itself.

"No! Wait til he gets to his feet, then drop the rock on him!" -- Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Bubbles ... outside ... in 25 degree weather ... yes! Also, thankfully, the short term of this as the cold cement was nasty on the tookas.

This was followed by Stooges ... and attempted squashings.

For dinner --- 4 different stops ... KFC, McDonalds, Taco Bell, and Coffee shop

There are some things in life that you can't buy --- like your time, for everything else ... there's your salary.

"I love you, Marcus" -- can't be bought --- thankfully, I earned it!

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