Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Only if you're mad!

One movie that really struck me was Robocop. Yes ... undoubtedly a stupid, yet enjoyable film. The director later went on to make similar-imagry movies like Starship Troopers, Total Recall, and Basic Instict (?). Anyway ... I just thought this morning of a scene from Robocop when he is beating the _____ out of Clarence Boddicker (Kurtwood Smith of That 70s Show -- more funny as a cop-killing drug dealer turns dad). As he's being thrown through 6' tall windows in office spaces he blurts out to Robocop that he works for Dick Jones. I quickly replaced some of the dialogue in my head.

[crash] [slump] [Robocop picks up Clarence by the throat] "I work for Dick Chaney. Dick Chaney! Dick Chaney works for Bush. Bush runs the country!"

[shocked look over Clarence's face as he's being killed]
[Rococop stops choking him]

If you haven't seen this brutal movie, which apparently was edited to get it to "R", it's quotable. The director apparently had the concept of making it so violent that it was comical. I'd like to see the original!


"It's a sophisticated bang bang."
"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
"Can you fly, Bobby?"
"I want a really fast car that gets really ____y gas mileage!"
"Nuke 'em! The family game."
"Do you have any advice to kids?" "Stay out of trouble"
"Don't _____ with Jones man! He'll make sushi out of ya."
"I'm sure it's just a glitch." (after ED 209 pumped 100 rounds of 50 calibur bullets into an executive) "A glitch?"
"Somebody call an ambulance!" (same scene, where a rag of a torso lies over a model of "New" Detroit)
"Look at my face DICK!"
"Looks like we'll be partners afterall, Richard."
"You want a cigarette?" "No. Ya know? Those things will kill ya." (shotgun-armed bank robber)

(requires the visual)
"We don't have a safe." "There's your safe!" (kicking down a tower of cans)
(desk sergent talks to officer as she kicks and beats suspect into submission) "When you're done ______ with your suspect, I have something for you."
(strip mall building explodes after being shot with "sophisticated bang bang") Paul McCrane of ER states excitedly, "I like it!"
"You burned the money! You burned the _________ money!" (incinerated bills from bank heist)

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