Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

What was supposed to be tough, was about 6 minutes of work

Start Date Name formula for guesswork 401K Plan Retirement $100,000.00 Standard payout
2/15/1982 Burns, Ken $ 49,358.44 $ 63,178.81 Prem $100,000.00

2/15/1982 Simpson, Homer $ 43,632.01 $ 55,848.98 Anthem $ 55,848.98

2/15/1982 Stewart, Martha $ 69,835.06 $ 89,388.88 Prem $100,000.00

2/15/1982 Astley, Rick $ 38,804.32 $ 49,669.53 Anthem $ 49,669.53

2/15/1982 Morton, Bob $285,583.13 $365,546.40 Anthem $365,546.40

2/15/1982 Ryerson, Ned $219,862.43 $281,423.91 Prem $100,000.00

2/15/1982 Chuck, Phil $165,334.91 $211,628.69 Prem $100,000.00

2/15/1982 Moorehead, Craven $ 32,274.14 $ 41,310.90 Anthem $ 41,310.90

2/15/1982 Butkisser, Best $135,971.80 $174,043.91 Anthem $174,043.91

=IF(E2="Prem", STANDPAY, D2)

My nephew and his prof had a challenge with something like this. I don't see how it was tough.

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