Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

computers and aliens

If you know applets, you might read books on aliens.

Come, visit little warzone

Fort Wayne offers all the comforts of a no-man's land and more. This week, a house blew up with no fatalities, which is a good deal better than gangland shooting. Is there a chance we can let the police use more force to enforce the law here, please? I'd rather like the non-violent citizens of the East Fort Wayne section to feel safer.

Predator season

The house blew up? There have been attacks, murders, houses blowing up. Certainly the locals can't be involved. I suggest that the only rational explanation is a predator is on the loose for this year it grows hot.

Or, maybe the likeliest reason is that people are killing people. Gosh Mr. Obvious, I never made the connection.

I'll take my turn at spam now

subject: regurgitate chocolate minor Nexium bath reporters Appertain

hostel banc ru s spandex Costner cancer tree fishing
AIM nomad hoops requiem stars E!

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So, who gets this email and clicks on the link?

He's the man!

Thanks Jennifer Babcock!
Balls in purse