Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I read scripts

Hi [my name],
I see that you responded to our [ad] on craigslist. Do you want to make money? Do you have 10-15 hours a week? Are you able to have a good phone voice? That what I'll need you to do is call this number and listen to the program for 15 entering in this PIN #. At the end you call me back and I'll give you the company link so that you can see what we do.

Sounds like Bullsh** to me!

Well, that's what I should have said. Instead, I was all keyed up and aching to do it. I then instantly typed in the number to google to see what I found. Aha! It was listed as, surprise, investment. You get the great opportunity to cold call people and anyone who signs up you get $500. That is according to someone who called it.

Do you need a pin? Have mine! 777123# ****wealth dot com

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