Gradually degenerating into ignorance and complacency.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Purple wolf

Purple wolf
Originally uploaded by MDH, II.
I think this might be the near end of my silly crud that I'll put on flickr or my blog. It reminded me of the other Henson Wolf -- actually larger. The phone scene reminded me of Dave Chappelle's comment on purple and pimps, and their odd relationship. He's "On the Air" on a pink phone making some holla-outs. This was borrowed from a google-video piece-together of Muppets doing "rap"

It's a shame that more Muppet features aren't around. I have to say flatly, that the movies weren't good. The show was much better and it was the 70's/80's place to be cameoed. It was an honor for most to be asked to be on the show.

I remember guests of Harry Bellefonte, Steve Martin (more than once wild and crazy guy), Ozzy, Star Wars characters and actors ... it was 30 minutes of entertainment. You didn't have to like it all, but it ran fast and furious.

I cleaned out a glass globe for a light fixture and was later reminded of, "here's the paper towels"*

I think, if any character is me, it would be Waldorf heckler

* from Muppets Take Manhattan, on their list of assets to be used -- meager as they were. The fish-thrower was the character offering the paper towels.

** on flickr, "Yo, dis Marcus baby are you down with it?" is from a not-so family friendly goup and song from 2 Live Crew, Me So H++ny

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